line 485 (objectclass ( NAME 'sambaSamAccount' SUP top AUXILIARY DESC 'Samba 3.0 Auxilary SAM Account' MUST ( uid $ sambaSID ) MAY ( cn $ sambaLMPassword $ sambaNTPassword $ sambaPwdLastSet $ sambaLogonTime $ sambaLogoffTime $ sambaKickoffTime $ sambaPwdCanChange $ sambaPwdMustChange $ sambaAcctFlags $ displayName $ sambaHomePath $ sambaHomeDrive $ sambaLogonScript $ sambaProfilePath $ description $ sambaUserWorkstations $ sambaPrimaryGroupSID $ sambaDomainName $ sambaMungedDial $ sambaBadPasswordCount $ sambaBadPasswordTime $ sambaPasswordHistory $ sambaLogonHours))) /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema: line 485 objectclass: AttributeType not found: "displayName" /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 11: handler exited with 1! slapd stopped. connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.