[Sarlug] Re: [Sarlug]праздники

Sergey Mihailov nxg at saratov.pvrr.ru
Mon Dec 16 09:35:53 MSK 2002

Paul P Komkoff Jr wrote:

>В opensource-community есть такая поговорка - "use the Source".

Now, on to filesystem types. Right now, you have four filesystem 
options: XFS, ext2, ext3 (journaling) and ReiserFS. ext2 is the tried 
and true Linux filesystem but doesn't have metadata journaling. ext3 is 
the new version of ext2 with both metadata journaling and ordered data 
writes, effectively providing data journaling as well. ReiserFS is a 
B*-tree based filesystem that has very good small file performance, and 
greatly outperforms both ext2 and ext3 when dealing with small files 
(files less than 4k), often by a factor of 10x-15x. ReiserFS also scales 
extremely well and has metadata journaling. As of kernel 2.4.18+, 
ReiserFS is finally rock-solid and highly recommended. XFS is a 
filesystem with metadata journaling that is fully supported under 
Linux's xfs-sources kernel, but be warned that it is highly unstable at 
this time.

If you're looking for the most standard filesystem, use ext2. If you're 
looking for the most rugged journalled filesystem, use ext3. If you're 
looking for a high-performance filesystem with journaling support, use 
ReiserFS; both ext3 and ReiserFS are mature and refined. Please be 
careful with XFS; this filesystem has a tendency to fry lots of data if 
the system crashes or you lose power.

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