[Sarlug] Fw: , [games] Re: Serious Sam: First Encounter for Linux beta 1а

CityHawk CityHawk на mail.ru
Вс Дек 15 11:31:44 MSK 2002

FlightGear on CD-ROM
FlightGear and the world scenery is available on CD-ROM for a small
distribution fee. If you offer a FlightGear CD and would like to be
listed here, please email .

    * FlightGear-0.8.0b CD-ROM - The complete FlightGear base package, a
ready to run Win32 executable, complete source code, documentation, and
the most popular North American 10x10 chunks of scenery (added in order
of popularity until the CD filled up.)
    * Entire world scenery set - 8 CD's covering the entire globe.


    * Individual scenery CD's - Pick just one CD from the world set. 

Best regards...
SuchkovEA (a.k.a. CityHawk)

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