[Sarlug] сбор подписей - Stand up for your freedom to install free software
Michael Zherebin
boza.the.brainslug на gmail.com
Пт Дек 28 13:57:26 MSK 2012
Всем привет! Кто за - подписывайтесь.
Microsoft has announced that if computer makers wish to distribute machines
with the Windows 8 compatibility logo, they will have to implement a
measure called "Secure Boot." However, it is currently up for grabs whether
this technology will live up to its name, or will instead earn the name
Restricted Boot.When done correctly, "Secure Boot" is designed to protect
against malware by preventing computers from loading unauthorized binary
programs when booting. In practice, this means that computers implementing
it won't boot unauthorized operating systems -- including initially
authorized systems that have been modified without being
We, the undersigned, urge all computer makers implementing UEFI's so-called
"Secure Boot" to do it in a way that allows free software operating systems
to be installed. To respect user freedom and truly protect user security,
manufacturers must either allow computer owners to disable the boot
restrictions, or provide a sure-fire way for them to install and run a free
software operating system of their choice. We commit that we will neither
purchase nor recommend computers that strip users of this critical freedom,
and we will actively urge people in our communities to avoid such jailed
С уважением,
Мобильный телефон - +7-905-322-86-17
e-mail zherebinm на gmail.com, ICQ UIN 297957652, Jabber
boza.the.brainslug на gmail.com
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