[Volgograd] [Fwd: 1st International Conference "Open
Taras Ablamsky
t на mf.volsu.ru
Пн Дек 15 14:58:16 MSK 2003
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>From gaebler на itc-putbus.de Fri Dec 12 17: 30:54 2003
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From: Rene Gaebler <gaebler на itc-putbus.de>
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Subject: 1st International Conference "Open Source-Telephony"
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 15:27:15 +0100
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Dear members of the Linux-User-Group
we here with proudly announce the first
"Free Software / Open Source-Telephony-Summit"
which will be held from January 16 - 20, 2004 in Geilenkirchen, Germany.
The summit is hosted by GUUG (German Unix User Group) with the kind
support of Open Source Centrum Europa e.V. as well as CSB-SYSTEM AG.
After a three-day developer workshop, the project will be presented to user
public during a conference day (Jan. 19) and a tutorial day (Jan. 20).
For more details please point your browser at:
We kindly endorse the distribution of this announcement among your
members and potential summit visitors.
Kind regards,
OSCE - Open Source Centrum Europa e.V.
European Association for the Advancement
of the Use of Open Source Base Technologies
Phone: +49 2451 625-444
Fax: +49 2451 625-445
E-Mail: baeumer на osce.de
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