[Volgograd] Boot trouble

Сандецкий Александр sasha-s на vipoil.com
Пн Мар 17 15:43:44 MSK 2003

Нашел - вот даже несколько вариантов:
1. http://ufalug.rb.ru/other/multios.html
2. http://www.gl.umbc.edu/root/linux/afs_install_6.0.shtml
(....Special NT bootloader config, part II. 
Make sure the floppy you booted from is in the drive 
dd if=$BOOT_PARTITION_NAME of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1 
dd if=$BOOT_PARTITION_NAME of=/root/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1 
Pull floppy out, label as 'UCS Linux Install Boot sector (disk, $MACHINE_TYPE_OR_LAB_NAME)' 
Put second blank floppy in drive. 
mcopy /root/bootsect.lnx a: 
Pull floppy out, label as 'UCS Linux Install boot sector (file, $MACHINE_TYPE_OR_LAB_NAME) 
Reboot into NT 
Log on as administrator 
Copy bootsect.lnx file from floppy to C:\ 
attrib -s -r c:\boot.ini 
Add following line at end of boot.ini: C:\BOOTSECT.LNX="Linux" 
attrib +s +r c:\boot.ini 
Pull floppy from drive 
Put both floppies in a safe place 
Reboot, select Linux from menu. It should boot into Linux now! 
Log back in as root, open terminal 
mount amidala.umbc.edu:/afs /afs 
continue as if nothing had happened. :-) 
3. http://www.dinform.ru/kuban/htmls/public_htmls/5-3698.html (Из
boot.ini Linux будет грузится только если ты LILO поставишь в бут
сектор etx2-раздела (а не в MBR). Иначе он будет затирать
загрузчик Windows.)
С Уважением
Сандецкий Александр.

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