[Volgograd] Re: pam & ns
Taras Ablamsky
t на vng.com.ru
Чт Янв 22 13:30:30 MSK 2004
Barabashka пишет:
> On 22 Jan, 10:08, Taras Ablamsky wrote:
>>bash-2.01$ uname -a
>>AIX work1 2 4 002027364200
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> А чего это у AIX'а значит, версия что ли?
uname [ -a | -x | -SName ] | [ -l ] [ -m ] [ -M ] [ -n
] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -TName ] [ -u ] [ -v ]
The uname command writes to standard output the name of the operating
system that you are using.
The machine ID number contains 12 characters in the following digit
format: xxyyyyyymmss. The xx positions indicate the system and is
always 00. The yyyyyy positions contain the unique ID number for the
entire system. The mm position represents the model ID. The ss position
is the submodel number and is always 00. The model ID describes the
ID of the CPU Planar, not the model of the System as a whole.
... в bzip'е в аттаче
Taras Ablamsky
----------- следущая часть -----------
Было удалено вложение не в текстовом формате...
Имя : aix_man_uname.txt.bz2
Тип : application/x-bzip2
Размер : 2524 байтов
Описание: отсутствует
Url : http://lists.lug.ru/pipermail/volgograd/attachments/20040122/b6ed4a87/aix_man_uname.txt.bin
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