[Volgograd] Buffer

Taras Ablamsky t на vng.com.ru
Ср Янв 28 18:09:42 MSK 2004

Dwarf пишет:
> Пустяковый, но нужный вопрос. Как называется буфер обмена в иксах? То
> есть та хрень, куда копируется текст, после нажатя C-c и берётся по
> нажатию C-v? По-умному объяснить не могу, только что провёл 2 часа в
> окружении учеников 9 "б" класса...

The  selection  named  by the atom CLIPBOARD is used to hold
data that is being transferred  between  clients,  that  is,
data that usually is being cut and then pasted or copied and
then pasted.  Whenever a client wants to  transfer  data  to
the clipboard:

o   It should assert ownership of the CLIPBOARD.

o   If it succeeds in acquiring ownership, it should be pre-
     pared to respond to a request for the  contents  of  the
     CLIPBOARD  in  the  usual  way (retaining the data to be
     able to return it).  The request may be generated by the
     clipboard client described below.

o   If  it  fails  to  acquire  ownership,  a cutting client
     should not actually perform the cut or provide  feedback
     that would suggest that it has actually transferred data
     to the clipboard.

из /usr/share/doc/XFree86-doc-4.3.0/ICCCM/icccm.txt

или ты о другом?

apt-get install XFree86-doc

Taras Ablamsky

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